Lost, But Then Found By Jesus
By Joshua Woodmansee
I went to the Voice of the Martyrs Conference yesterday and I heard a story about a Muslim and her Muslim mother that changed the way I view things. Here it is.
It was one sunny morning in Iran when Padina, a Muslim girl, was praying to Allah. She loved her religion. She believed it and was cold to any other religion, refusing to be changed by Christianity. Everyday she had to wash her face and then kneel down and rest her forehead on a tiny head pad. Then she prayed for an hour! But then her mother who lives with her in the house got sick and Padina got really depressed and so frustrated with her mother’s sickness that she shrieked, “I’m going to commit suicide!”
“Oh-No! Please don’t!” groaned her mother as she reached and turned on the TV frantically.
As Padina held the meds, she saw a man on TV named Dr. Shariat, and her mother did too. He said, “STOP! If you are going to commit suicide right now, I want you to do one thing, call this number.” Her mother scrambled for the phone! (Dr. Shariat broadcasts messages of the gospel into Iran by satellite from here in the Dallas area.)
“Mother!” Padina shouted. It was too late. She already called and was crying out for the man. She shouted, “My daughter is going to kill herself!” Then she started receiving Jesus as her Savior!
“MOTHER!” Padina was furious! She ripped the phone out of her mother’s hand and started yapping away at Dr. Shariat. She was cold. She did not want to have anything to do with Christianity. She wanted to be done with him. But he said, “Don’t do it. Just try to do this one thing. Try Jesus. You can kill yourself next weekend if you want to still.”
She then pondered this and decided to wait. She went to bed. Then in the morning she heard a noise. She looked and saw her mother walking! Perfectly! With her disease she couldn’t walk but now she could! They went to the hospital and the doctor said that this was a miracle! He asked if they had prayed to Allah. But Padina said, “No! It was Jesus.”
Then at that moment Padina felt her heart shell crack open and God’s love flooding into her.
Padina rushed over and called Dr. Shariat and told him. Padina became a Christian and told other Muslims about Jesus and started a house church. Padina had a great story to tell and lots of friends with whom to share the good news!
How great you got to experience the power of the gospel at work ,and God’s great love and compassion for people everywhere. Thanks for sharing this.
Oh my goodness!!! What a great story and so well told!!!! I’m very proud of you!