September Testimony
The following is a testimony from Jason Kelley, Executive Director at Metro Relief around the corner in The Colony. Metro Relief is a great ministry that goes to the people most in need in our community and feeds them, fellowships with them, serves them, and shares the gospel with them. I love this! Please read Jason’s testimony of how God is changing lives through the partnership UBO has with them!
“James was a crack dealer and user. I say this because Praise God he is not that anymore. We met James for the first time under the I45 bridge in South Dallas. He was in a world of hurt, but would not admit it the first few times we talked to him. After a while, though, of constant prayer and relationship building between he and I, God tore down the barriers that were hindering James from fully trusting in what I had to say.
Because of your wonderful organization, I was able to provide a Bible for James. Together, we studied 1 Corinthians 13, and learned what real love, God’s love, looked like, and how He loves James no matter what he had done or been through in the past. We were able to talk about the drug addiction, how it started, how he wanted to quit but couldn’t on his own strength, but God could use His strength to take the addiction away.
Eventually, James got to a low point where he would make a choice to go to rehab or die…it was that simple. Thank God he remembered what he and I read together in the Bible, and he knew that God was the only one that could change his situation. James allowed us to send him to a rehabilitation/discipleship home in Dallas, and I am thrilled to say he is over four months clean, he has a job, a safe place to stay, and he is actually encouraging and discipling others that come in hurting like he once did.
Thank you, everyone at Urban Bible Outreach, for supplying Bibles to Metro Relief. With your help, we are making a difference in the lives of hurting, addicted, homeless individuals in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.”
Jason Kelley, Executive Director of Metro Relief